Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down.

I like being on top of a mountain. It's so beautiful... peaceful...serene. Whenever I come to the top, I like to sit and drink in the beauty and majesty of God's creation. It's a lot the same way in our spiritual lives, as well. We like to be "on top of the world", where we can more easily see the "big picture". When we are on the mountain of spiritual victory, we can take a little time to acknowledge that God has been working in our lives and to thank Him for the spiritual growth we see.

But it isn't so easy to see the Lord's hand in our lives when we are in the valley. From above, the valley looks beautiful because we can see it from God's perspective. But when we descend from the mountain into that lush growth, we find that the path is choked with weeds, trees darken the path, and it is easy to stumble and fall. At times like this it is easy to get discouraged and think it isn't worth the trouble. But God knows the end from the beginning, and He is using this difficult trial to make you beautiful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is SO true, Big brother! I tend to wish that I could always stay on the mountain top... but we have to struggle step by step through the valley. And remember that every step draws us closer to God, and the next mountain top. Have you ever tried to create a mountain top experience? *grins sheepishly* It's kinda ridiculous when I think about it, but I have tried to do it before.